Among them are Hi-Rez Studios and Gaijin Games, developers of Smite and War Thunder, respectively. Both have called Sony out on Twitter for not implementing cross-platform play on their games. The former’s CEO Stew Chisam also compared Sony’s trickling floodgates into cross-platform play territory to the Berlin Wall.

— Stewart Chisam (@schisam) February 8, 2019 A few days earlier, the War Thunder Twitter account sent out a tweet with a similar message, albeit referencing something different. It should be said that while players on PS4 can play with others running the game on PC, the same can’t be said for cross-platform play between PS4 and Xbox One gamers.

— War Thunder (@WarThunder) February 3, 2019 When Sony initially gave the OK for cross-platform play for Fortnite, the company said that the whole idea of cross-platform play was still in beta. Five months down the line, with no other news on this front it seems that nothing is set to change anytime soon. (Source: USgamer)