The first in line is The Surge. The easiest way to describe this game is to imagine the art and style of the Fallout universe, with the difficulty and map layout of a Soulsborne game. If you’re looking for a game that will test your skills, then this is one that you should try, now that it’s free. What Remains of Edith Finch is also free next month. It’s a more story-driven experience rather than one that focuses on skill. Plus, It won Best Narrative awards at both The Game Awards 2017 and Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2018, so it should have what it takes to scratch that itch for narrative-driven titles. These two games will be available between 4 April and 8 May 2019. If you’re not yet a PlayStation Plus subscriber, then you can also take advantage of the current 12 + 3 promotion that’s currently going on. (Source: PlayStation Asia)