The helmets are currently being supplied to KTMB’s auxiliary police officers who would patrol inside the train coaches as well as train stations. The company stated that the smart helmets will supplement existing COVID-19 preventive methods that it has already deployed which include the temperature scanners, hand sanitiser, and periodic sanitisation of the train coaches themselves.

However, KTMB didn’t reveal the name of the smart helmet or its specifications. Judging from its shape and design though, the helmet may be KC N901 which has been used by authorities throughout the world including Italy, Holland, and of course, China. Made by KC Wearable which is based in Shenzhen, its official website stated that the helmet can measure temperatures of up to 200 people per minute. Equipped with an arm Cortex A53-based octa-core processor, the Android-based helmet can also be used for facial recognition as well as to read vehicle registration number plate, and QR code. We are now reaching out to KTMB and KC Wearable to learn more about the smart helmets but nevertheless, it is interesting to see that the 135 year old company is willing to try out an advanced smart apparatus in their effort to help fight against COVID-19.

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