According to its Indiegogo campaign page, the Neuraspud is an “ultra-high bandwidth potato-machine interface” created by Nicolas Baldeck of BPZ Labs. The device has also been called as a potato electronic board which apparently designed to turn any potato into a smart potato. By smart potato, we mean personal assistant just like Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri. In other words, you can ask the potato a question in which the reply will be translated by Neuraspud and sent back to a companion phone app. Nicolas is apparently looking to obtain USD 30,000 (~RM 122,388) through Indiegogo to mass produce Neuraspud. There are also additional stretch goals which include weather forecast capability, blockchain, and mesh network communication. You might be wondering if Neuraspud is a real product in which the answer is yes according to its Indiegogo page. In fact, Nicolas is showcasing it at CES 2020 right now but whether it really able to turn a vegetable into a digital assistant, the answer should be quite clear from all the information that was presented on its Indiegogo page. (Additional reading: La Tribune.)

Here Comes The Smart Potato  Neuraspud Helps  Transform  The Vegetable Into Digital Assistant - 99